I agree with you. He is also doing what the article states and I posted it for that reason. It is electricity that he is threatening a surcharge on and not oil.
Posting an article with facts in it is not in any way saying I support the man, I don't, yet Ontarians voted him back in for a third term with a majority and with full knowledge of the facts you have stated in your post. Why is that???
I have posted statements from Trudeau as have others so it is not as if anyone is touting Ford as someone to support, it is simply reporting the news of what he is doing.
I am also a proud Canadian that supports and values our sovereignty, our healthcare and all the things that go into being Canadian, to imply otherwise is beyond the pale.
I live in Alberta so you are not the only one whose Premier is destroying healthcare and is a buddy of trump but I still will report what smith is doing to go against these tariffs and when I do it doesn't mean I support her because I don't, I despise her as much as you do Ford.