Thousands of University of California workers take to the streets to demand a fair contract [View all]
By AFSCME Staff · Monday, August 05, 2024
Thousands of AFSCME members who work for the University of California system took to the streets at UC campuses throughout the state to demand a fair contract. They were supported by students and community allies.
The front-line service and patient care workers who are members of AFSCME Local 3299 joined picket lines and rallies last Wednesday after they hit an impasse with UC over contract negotiations. Protests and rallies were held at all 10 UC campuses, 9 hospitals, clinics, and labs.
AFSCME members want a new collective bargaining agreement that addresses the cost-of-living and housing-affordability crises that are plaguing front-line workers, and they had been bargaining with their employer for more than six months.
The University of California has publicly acknowledged a staff vacancy crisis that ultimately threatens the quality of services it can deliver to its students and patients, said Local 3299 President Michael Avant. This is a function of UCs overall failure to compete in the labor market, its failure to pay front-line workers enough to keep pace with rising costs, and its total refusal to commit to the housing-affordability solutions workers need in order to live near their jobs.
FULL story at link above.