I'm gobsmacked. This beautiful, seven-month old kitten practically tamed himself. [View all]
First, the backstory: In early June, I caught three littermates and brought them to Friends of Feral Felines to be socialized, immunized and adopted. After several months, one of the boys was neutered and returned to me as untameable. I figured he could join my little colony of community cats, but he became friendlier and friendlier, and one day he followed me inside. Now he's a lovebug who likes to knead the covers while he licks my hand.
But I wasn't able to catch the fourth littermate--a gorgeous Siamese/tabby mix--until this past Saturday. I dropped him off to be neutered and picked him up yesterday morning. I wasn't sure if I should release him outside or isolate him in the bathroom and try to tame him. I ended up isolating him because I figured that although the odds of taming a 7-month-old feral cat were slim, it would be my only chance. After two hours of sitting with him quietly, I was able to pet him. When he started to purr, I almost cried.
Less than 24 hours later, here he is.
Now I've got to come up with a name.
(His stray mom is spayed now and has a potential adopter.)