Is Donald Trump a Racist? [View all]

HAS the party of Lincoln just nominated a racist to be president? We shouldnt toss around such accusations lightly, so Ive looked back over more than 40 years of Donald Trumps career to see what the record says.
One early red flag arose in 1973, when President Richard Nixons Justice Department not exactly the radicals of the day sued Trump and his father, Fred Trump, for systematically discriminating against blacks in housing rentals.
Ive waded through 1,021 pages of documents from that legal battle, and they are devastating. Donald Trump was then president of the family real estate firm, and the government amassed overwhelming evidence that the company had a policy of discriminating against blacks, including those serving in the military.
To prove the discrimination, blacks were repeatedly dispatched as testers to Trump apartment buildings to inquire about vacancies, and white testers were sent soon after. Repeatedly, the black person was told that nothing was available, while the white tester was shown apartments for immediate rental.
A former building superintendent working for the Trumps explained that he was told to code any application by a black person with the letter C, for colored, apparently so the office would know to reject it. A Trump rental agent said the Trumps wanted to rent only to Jews and executives, and discouraged renting to blacks.