The Real Reason White People Say ‘All Lives Matter’ [View all]

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Why Black Makes Us Uncomfortable
Dear fellow white people, lets have an honest talk about why we say All Lives Matter. First of all, notice that no one was saying All Lives Matter before people started saying Black Lives Matter. So All Lives Matter is a response to Black Lives Matter. Apparently, something about the statement Black Lives Matter makes us uncomfortable. Why is that?
Now some white people might say that singling out Black peoples lives as mattering somehow means that white lives dont matter. Of course, thats silly. If you went to a Breast Cancer Awareness event, you wouldnt think that they were saying that other types of cancer dont matter. And youd be shocked if someone showed up with a sign saying Colon Cancer Matters or chanting All Cancer Patients Matter. So clearly, something else is prompting people to say All Lives Matter in response to Black Lives Matter.
Many of the people saying All Lives Matter also are fond of saying Blue Lives Matter. If you find that the statement Black Lives Matter bothers you, but not Blue Lives Matter, then the operative word is Black. That should tell us something. Theres something deeply discomfiting about the word Black. I think its because it reminds us of our whiteness and challenges our notion that race doesnt matter.
We need to say Black Lives Matter, because were not living it. No one is questioning whether white lives matter or whether police lives matter. But the question of whether Black lives really matter is an open question in this country. Our institutions act like Black lives do not matter. The police act like Black lives do not matter when they shoot unarmed Black people with their arms in the air and when Blacks are shot at two and a half times the rate of whites, even when whites are armed. The judicial system acts like Black lives dont matter when Blacks are given more severe sentences than whites who commit the same crimes and are turned into chattel in a for-profit prison-industrial complex.
And white people act like Black lives do not matter when we fail to raise the appropriate level of outrage at unjustified killings of Blacks or when we respond with platitudes like All Lives Matter.
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I am so very white.
My parents, well they had their issues and it was not always pretty. However, difference was never an issue in our house. Their was always acceptance. I never knew anything else. I was not brought up to hate a person for color. Or anyone else.