What about the reactions that people of color get when they practice their own culture, vs the reactions that white people get when the practice the cultures of people of color? Remember that this is still a culture where black and brown bodies are negatively stereotyped. The result is that taking culture from black and brown bodies and transferring that cult onto white bodies is considered as "improvement."
For example, when black people played their own music, this was the warning of white majority:

But then when whites decided that it was okay for themselves to play black music, guess who became the best thing since sliced Wonder bread:

And even today, we're not even allowed to express ourselves in our own culture sometimes:

Let's not forget that there a long standing trend in this country of appropriation as a from of oppression through stereotyping:

Of course, who gets to determine what's considered offensive and what what isn't? When people of color protest the use of negative stereotypes by whites, we're told that we should lighten up, stop being so "politically correct," or the appropriation is actually a form of tribute:

This is the danger here:

The problem is whenever the majority takes something and never gives it the credit from with it came:

End the end, let's not forget that this is a country where whiteness is already considered the standard by which everything else is relegated to an inferior status. Where the air of whiteness is granted as an authority. But instead, let's consider that this is the question that we need to ask ourselves: