Toni Morrison: Fear Of Losing White Privilege Led To Trumps Election [View all]
The comfort of being naturally better than is hard to give up.

Toni Morrison has written a powerful essay in the aftermath of Donald Trumps election as president of the United States, and it gets right to the heart of why Trump won.
In a piece titled Mourning For Whiteness from the November 21 print issue of the New Yorker (published online Monday), the Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist argues that Trump won due to the terror of privileged white men in the face of a rapidly diversifying country.
Under slave laws, the necessity for color rankings was obvious, but in America today, post-civil-rights legislation, white peoples conviction of their natural superiority is being lost, Morrison writes.
There are people of color everywhere, threatening to erase this long-understood definition of America. And what then? Another black President? A predominantly black Senate? Three black Supreme Court Justices? The threat is frightening.
On Election Day, how eagerly so many white votersboth the poorly educated and the well educatedembraced the shame and fear sowed by Donald Trump. The candidate whose company has been sued by the Justice Department for not renting apartments to black people. The candidate who questioned whether Barack Obama was born in the United States, and who seemed to condone the beating of a Black Lives Matter protester at a campaign rally. The candidate who kept black workers off the floors of his casinos. The candidate who is beloved by David Duke and endorsed by the Ku Klux Klan.
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Fear of losing their white privilege. It will still happen, just not yet. Yet happen it will.