Historic Woman Photographer Pays Stunning Tribute To Other Historic Women [View all]
Misty Copeland and Hillary Clinton are among the subjects in Annie Leibovitzs striking series.

We were looking hard in 1999 for women CEOs and women who ran companies, Annie Leibovitz told The New York Times last month, in a discussion centered on her ongoing Women series. She began the portrait project in the late 90s, working alongside her partner Susan Sontag, photographing women in leadership positions across politics, sports, business and arts.
This year, the project has come back to life, with new subjects reflective of a different time. Now, it seems that there really are many more women in high positions, the photographer added. It seemed like issues were more in the forefront.
Women: New Portraits, commissioned by UBS, is currently on view in New York City, bringing together Leibovitzs images from 1999 with photos from 2016, and several in between. Her subjects include Hillary Clinton, Misty Copeland, the Williams sisters, Gloria Steinem, Andréa Medina Rosas, Malala Yousafzai, Shonda Rhimes, Jane Goodall, Elizabeth Warren, Denise Manong, Adele, Sheryl Sandberg and Caitlyn Jenner, among many others.
You cant look at all those images without seeing the true human diversity of women, not characterized by whatever feminine idea or roles of who were supposed to be, Steinem, who helped configure the list of women photographed, added to the NYT.

More: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/annie-leibovitz-women-portraits_us_5835a98ce4b09b6055ffb3c7?utm_content=buffer39af5&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer
I think woman are pretty awesome.