The Chief of the Minneapolis PD just resigned over a cop shooting of a citizen [View all]
And this, boys and girls, is a fine demonstration of how white privilege works in America and why it's important to eliminate it. Its very existence can backfire onto white people as well.
Does anyone think, for one second that, had a white cop shot and killed a black guy named "Mohammed" under the exact same scenario a Somali cop killed that nice white lady, we'd get the same outcome?
When black people are killed so casually by the police, the actions of the police are usually condoned, even when those killings are recorded and egregious. The police are allowed to investigate and exonerate itself and the media plays along with demonizing the victims. With the killing of Ms. Damond, that hasn't been the case... Why? Because, in this country, white lives have always mattered more than black lives.
This is why the loud and clear message of Black Lives Matters is so important. We are the canary in the coal mine when it comes to police malfeasance and police brutality. It should be abundantly obvious why that message should be heeded.
BLM is trying to tell America something: This happened to us and it can happen to you as well. If only you had listened when we protested over lost black lives killed by cops, then maybe that nice white lady might be alive today.
White America, continue to ignore black voices crying out for justice at your own peril. The police are not your friends.