African American
In reply to the discussion: the argument by many [View all]heaven05
(18,124 posts)when it comes to economic parity as a socialist might understand it, I see that as a 'pie in the sky goal' never to be achieved if there is no respect for the person trying to achieve that parity.
What community exactly, are you referring too? The AA community at large or just your local community? I have been around in the AA community since birth by virtue of my skin color and as long as you in the voting game of american politics-4 years.
I have found, in my experiences, that the systemic racism of american culture, that's in justice, educational and societal systems, social programs ect: are THE major hindrance to advancement in the area of race relations, not the lack of wealth as your 60 trillion dollar example and socialist ideological leanings tries to impress upon one. The primary weapon of racists, the rich and knowledgeable racists holding that 60 trillion prize, is playing on the ignorance of their foot soldiers and having them believe their skin color is superior to the smartest, richest AA, as exhibited by them in Charlottsville. They have just as little or much as the next person struggling month to month, week by week, day by day to just keep the lights on and food in their bellies. Those foot soldiers have one thing and one thing only that they feel makes the lowest of them better and more superior to a Winfrey or even an Obama and that is their white skin, that is my point and not tokenism as you put it....but socialist arguments always put the onus on economic disparity on those denied parity because they have not fought hard enough to get their reparation dollar prize returned to them.
Money has nothing to do with the racist mindset....just an attitude fostered by the 60 trillion bunch onto their 66 million foot soldiers. Do you actually think if the 60 trillion prize stolen during the Slavery Era was somehow divided between just the Caucasian and AA races that racism would disappear and we would have power enough to change a racist mindset?
Capitalism vs Socialism as played out by those you mentioned from our era of fighting for human and civil rights and respect proved woefully inadequate in gaining human and civil rights. No money, blood and sacrifice got me some measure of human respect and the right to vote in a rigged system. Money won't change that system just more blood and sacrifice by those committed to fair play and a just political system that truly is all inclusive.
All those AA leaders mentioned by you were socialist precisely because they knew neither major party gave a damn about us and as quiet as it was kept, neither did the socialist movement, writ large. I was there, I was one and race was a factor in those meetings as much as it was with the two other major political parties. Why, because race gets in the way of many an ideal, in amerikkka, not the holding of wealth or lack of it.
You leave out an important factor I feel and that factor is the religious component in ameriKKKan racism. The RW religionist, who hold a sizable portion of that 60 trillion dollar prize in america have always had an agenda of white supremacy and ideology in america. No ifs, and's or buts. It had to do with money, race and white supremacist ideology....Manifest Destiny. RACE, as in superior vs inferior skin color in human beings is the major cause of racism, not dollars. They achieved those dollars by subjugating millions of people NOT of their race. SKIN COLOR, is the major cause of racism in AmericKKKa, and I respectfully disagree with your arguments based on wealth.
A major candidate held your views in the last campaign and he had a major blind spot along with his many followers when it came to understanding racism AND HATE based on skin color. Many followers of this candidate could not because wealth was the factor they concentrated on. Many were guilty of a lot of racial insensitivity toward many fighting for racial justice after the murders of many young unarmed AA, men, women and would not have saved them. They were killed because of racist hate....period.
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