Uncle Ben Strikes Again! [View all]
My childhood hero disappoints again. The following article can be found @ www.newsone.com.
Ben Carson Is Trying To Make Housing In America As Segregated As Possible
The heartless secretary of HUD strikes again.
Written By Parker Riley

Ben Carson has officially taken the steps to make housing as segregated as possible in America. Until now, he was blocking the July 2015 Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing rule, which was to ensure neighborhoods were not segregated. Now Carson wants to completely dismantle the rule.
Under the Obama administration, with Julian Castro as the secretary of Housing and Urban Development, the 2015 rule required more than 1,200 communities receiving billions of federal housing dollars to draft plans to desegregate their communities or risk losing federal funds, according to The Washington Post. This rule was necessary considering studies have shown that when neighborhoods are segregated, Black and brown communities receive less funding and fewer resources.
However, it would seem that Carson couldnt care less about Black and brown communities receiving less. He released a statement on Monday claiming the rule was suffocating investment and we can craft a new, fairer rule. Now word on what the fairer rule would be.
In May, fair-housing advocates filed a lawsuit against Carson, claiming that he unlawfully suspended the 2015 rule by not providing advance public notice or opportunity for comment.
link to article: https://newsone.com/3821764/ben-carson-housing-segregation-america/
I had to add the waving gif .....because...... reasons. Hell, I like gifs!