The Decatur Georgia AA Cemetery [View all]
Lots more at article. Worth the read IMO.
Snip-"Laurel Wilson, 41, is a California transplant with a masters degree in heritage preservation from Georgia State University and a fascination with untold histories. She has traced her own lineage back to a woman tried as a witch in Salem.
For the past five years, she has been carefully examining the headstones and cemetery records in Section 6 of the Decatur Cemetery, the area available to African Americans during the graveyards segregated history."
Shes found more than 900 names. With the help of other documents, shes been able to get a peek into turn-of-the-century black Decatur."
Snip-"For me, the headstones are the only physical reminder of the fact that these black people ever existed, said Wilson. Beacon Hill is gone; The Bottom (which predated Beacon) is gone. All the buildings are gone. African Americans had a community here for 140 years. Its gone, but these headstones still remain.