WaymoTheGod's past hateful comments about Black women return to haunt him [View all]
WaymoTheGod's past hateful comments about Black women return to haunt him
1. referred to dark skin women as garbage
2. about a dark skin woman "she's too dark"
3. Said about Sandra Bland "if black lives mattered to Sandra Bland she wouldn't have taken her own life. i'm serious too".
Returned to public life to promote a new business. Twitterverse is bringing back his hateful hateful comments
WaymoTheGod disappeared from the Twitter sphere, however. Recently, he launched his return to social media as Chef Way. It is totally possible tha people can change and move on. After all, Waymo has returned promoting his food, not his hostile views. However, that is not good enough for a collection of Black women on Twitter. They are holding Waymo accountable for his previous comments. As Waymo tried promoting his @chefway page, his previous comments were attached to his tweets.

"if black lives mattered to Sandra Bland she wouldn't have taken her own life. i'm serious too".