Everyone Was Wrong About Reverse Osmosis--Until Now [View all]
Diffusion is the flow of a chemical from where it's more concentrated to where it's less concentrated. Think of a drop of dye spreading throughout a glass of water, or the smell of garlic wafting out of a kitchen. It keeps moving toward equilibrium until its concentration is the same everywhere, and it doesnt rely on a pressure difference, like the suction that pulls water through a straw.
The model stuck, but Elimelech always suspected it was wrong. To him, accepting that water diffuses through the membrane implied something strange: that the water scattered into individual molecules as it passed through. How can it be? Elimelech asks. Breaking up clusters of water molecules requires a ton of energy. You almost need to evaporate the water to get it into the membrane.
Still, Hoek says, 20 years ago it was anathema to suggest that it was incorrect. Hoek didnt even dare to use the word pores when talking about reverse osmosis membranes, since the dominant model didnt acknowledge them. For many, many years, he says wryly, I've been calling them interconnected free volume elements.
Over the past 20 years, images taken using advanced microscopes have reinforced Hoek and Elimelechs doubts. Researchers discovered that the plastic polymers used in desalination membranes arent so dense and poreless after all. They actually contain interconnected tunnelsalthough they are absolutely minuscule, peaking at around 5 angstroms in diameter, or half a nanometer. Still, one water molecule is about 1.5 angstroms long, so thats enough room for small clusters of water molecules to squeeze through these cavities, instead of having to go one at a time.