NASA images: How stars and galaxies look in reality Top 5 images as seen through the Hubble telescope [View all]
NASA' s Hubble Space Telescope provides breathtaking views of galaxies like NGC 5668 and NGC 5033, illustrating rapid star formation and the intricate processes involved in star development. Discover more with these images
Written By Sudeshna Ghoshal
15 Sep 2024, 07:51 AM IST
NASA images : How stars and galaxies look in reality(John Vermette, NASA)
NASA images: Stars may give a twinkling appearance when spotted with a naked eye from the Earth. Ever wondered what these balls of gas and dust actually look like?
NASA's Hubble Space Telescope exemplifies how stars and several astronomical bodies look strikingly different than expected. Hubble has profoundly altered our understanding of the universe, from analyzing the atmospheric composition of exoplanets to uncovering the mysteries of dark energy, said the space observatory. Here are some images:
Spiral Galaxy NGC5668
This image from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope showcases the spiral galaxy NGC 5668 in the constellation Virgo. Located approximately 90 million light-years from Earth, it is relatively close and easily observable with both space-based and ground-based telescopes. Although it may not appear extraordinary at first glance, NGC 5668 spans about 90,000 light-years, similar in size and mass to our Milky Way galaxy, and its nearly face-on view reveals open spiral arms with cloudy, irregular patches.
A notable distinction between NGC 5668 and the Milky Way is that NGC 5668 forms stars 60% faster than the Milky Way.
Tarantula Nebula
Tarantula Nebula