did before. we keep apples and oranges and grapes for snacking on and on the whole, I think we're eating healthier. It's a little harder to eat with our teeth these days, but I love going to the farmer's market and getting what's needed for the crisper. I just have to be careful, to many oranges or tomatoes and my tongue breaks out in bumps, and I can easily spend most of my food allowance there. And still need to go to the store to pick up some pantry staples.
We do use whole milk (lactose free), and real butter. I weight 85 pounds (as of this morning), and have had a weight problem in the *other* direction all my life. I went on a fat-free diet back when it was popular in the 80's, and then other information came out showing how trying to live fat free made you crave fats. So, we use full fat products and good oils like virgin olive oil.
But there are nights when my fibro or lupus just isn't going to let me stand at the stove, let alone cook a meal. I daresay, those few nights a month are covered with TV dinners like Healthy Choice and Marie Calendar. Somedays, just getting out of bed uses all the energy you can muster. But I LOVE to cook, and I love to try new recipes. It's a way I've found to be creative in my old age.