It was ALL satire, but in those days, the racists weren't writing so many laws, and trashing the Constitution.
What do we need?
The best, the ONLY cure to WhiteChristianNationalism, race baiting, mysogyny, etc. is WINNING
This is from the epilogue of "Stamped From the Beginning", by Ibram X Kendi.
Protesting against racist power and succeeding can never be mistaken for seizing power. Any effective solution to eradicating American racism must involve Americans committed to antiracist policies seizing and maintaining power over institutions, neighborhoods, counties, states, nationsthe world. It makes no sense to sit back and put the future in the hands of people committed to racist policies, or people who regularly sail with the wind of self-interest, toward racism today, toward antiracism tomorrow. An antiracist America can only be guaranteed if principled antiracists are in power, and then antiracist policies become the law of the land, and then antiracist ideas become the common sense of the people, and then the antiracist common sense of the people holds those antiracist leaders and policies accountable.