So, I'd be cautious about your celebration. See the rest of this piece commenting on the Alaska Dispatch article on the Immoral Minority
The good news: The Republican party in Alaska has been taken over. The bad news: It looks like Sarah Palin surrogate Joe Miller was behind it.
Now as somebody who absolutely DESPISES the Republican party in Alaska, I at first welcomed this as good news. I am NO Ron Paul supporter, but I could NOT imagine how anybody could run the party worse, or make it any more corrupt, than Randy Ruederich.
But then I read this:
... after the party delegates votes were tallied Saturday evening, a cheer erupted from Paul supporters on the second floor of the Hilton. Others looked crestfallen. Some blamed failed senatorial candidate Joe Miller and his wife, Kathleen, who spent much of their time Saturday huddled with Paul supporters. Miller was largely expected to jockey for a party leadership position, but it was Kathleen who, sporting a Ron Paul sticker, won a seat on Alaskas GOP Electoral College.
The Millers were nowhere to be found at the party afterwards at Ron Pauls Alaska campaign headquarters in downtown Anchorage, where both Millete and Brown spoke to supporters.
They tried every maneuver they could, but God prevailed, Millete told the crowd, many who were half his age or younger.
To be sure, not all Paul supporters believe in God, but a certain alliance between the tea party and Paulites was necessary for an upset in GOP politics on the Last Frontier, as evidenced by Joe Miller backers aligning with Paul supporters at this weekends convention. And so, regardless of religious beliefs, they cheered for Millete.
Oh shit!